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Monday, December 11, 2006

Thanks for visiting. I am no longer updating Notes to Self. I hope you'll join me on my current website,

Not Fade Away

Two of my daily blog reads have retired. Although it feels sudden, both departures were deliberate and considered. Both were obedient to urges that said it was time. Deep down, I always knew they were too good for this world.

I am not ashamed to tell you I am mourning. My google reader list is short and selective, not because I can't find good blogs to read, but because I only have so much emotional energy to invest. I'm not a terribly casual person. I don't blog around much. Once I am engaged, just try and get rid of me.

There will be a little hole in my days now. I expect it will be like it was when I quit smoking. I would stand up purposefully every half hour and then, remembering, would stick my hands in my pockets and sit back down.

On the surface, these blogs would appear to be worlds apart, in tone, content, and community. (Did you see my Christmas imix? I have ecclectic tastes.) What they shared was soul. Their words and images were like jolts of caffeine for my spirit. Sometimes smooth and mellow, sometimes robust and acidic. They helped keep me awake.

Will everyone please stand?

Brandon. Karen. Here's to you.

My thanks to you both. It was good to the last drop.

All the best,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would absolutely mourn if any of my favourite bloggers packed it all in.
I loved Karen's writing and I'll definitely miss her words.

PS) On a side note, I love Little Rock. We emigrated there in 1990 and my parents still live just outside there.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, two oldies but goodies, for sure. I joined the Chookooloonks train far too late, but was thankfully around to be pleasantly confused by Brandon for quite some time. : ) Loved the tribute.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dang! I just found Chookooloonks a short time ago! Wish I'd found it sooner.

8:58 AM  
Blogger zulhai said...

Just checked MY long-dormant blog and found your kind words. Thank you for the invitation.
I can't help but feel that Brandon hasn't quite finished, and that the other shoe will drop at some point.

12:01 PM  

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