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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thanks for visiting. I am no longer updating Notes to Self. I hope you'll join me on my current website,

How We Roll

Back from the service. Completely wrung out. The church was filled to the choir loft. Peggy's children were troopers. Her husband spoke. Steve, if you are reading this, the theory of the "Loser Magnet" is one of the most funny and true things I have heard in a long time.

I was proud of my big boys. My six-year old whined just a little at not getting to stay home with his teenage cousin who'd been conscripted into keeping the three-year-old, but I told him, "We have to go because we're a community. We're going to show our friends we care." And then he was fine. Not another peep. I figured if the universe was going to make Peggy's kids attend their mother's funeral, mine were going too.

As the pearls were being clasped and the ties tied, Patrick remarked, "Well, it's easy to see that this family doesn't believe in ironing."

I laughed. "I like how you put that. It makes it sound like we abstain on principle."

Brought to you by the Church of Latter Day Wash and Wear. Motto: the family that is rumpled doesn't crumple.



Blogger bluebird of paradise said...

been thinking about peggy's friends and family all day. i hope it was a lovely celebration of her life.

8:19 PM  
Blogger jen lemen said...

so proud of your boys, too. my mother did hospice nursing my whole life, so i spent my childhood at nursing homes and funerals. it was one of the best things she ever required and one of the few skills i truly needed to acquire in order to become a decent grownup.

8:58 PM  
Blogger *Tanyetta* said...

great post! we go to church every saturday. well we try to. there are some days we cheat and go to the beach. :)

11:42 PM  

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