Me, in Ten Seconds*

I was born in 1969, on the cusp betwixt Sagittarius and Scorpio. Ye shall know me by my confusing accent, like everything else about me, a bit of this, a bit of that. I am a proud Newfoundlander (please do not call me a Newfie), but am dug deep into Arkansas red dirt. I met my love on a Liz Phair BBS.** My father was a poet. My mother is a lawyer. My eyes are green. I like a nice syrah. I am willful, intense, self-absorbed, an incorrigible smartypants.
But I will make you love me, supposing it kills us both.
*ten seconds in my Newfoundland accent; ten minutes in mid-southern drawl.
**He would tell you I am "a mess". Also something about a "tiger" and a "tail."
blogme2007 rude of me not to mention the source of this meme: the legendary Mochamomma
Labels: FAQ-type stuff, streaking the quad
it won't be hard to make anyone love you..........
Whew, almost slipped on the "Newfie" comment. So, what kind of accent DO you get when you cross that and a mid-southern drawl? The publics can't wait to find out!
Excellent! I feel like I know so much already. I am also composing one of these but my crazy perfectionist tendencies are getting in the way. Now that there is the story of my life.
Love you already!
Very nice to meet you. Any friend of Jen Lemen's is a friend of mine.
tracey, I hear that a lot! the second thing you said! look forward to meeting you face2face...a plan for Thurs dinner is should be hearing something shortly.
Born in 1968. And also ex-Canadian but from the other side of the country. Actually, originally from South Africa but that's a whole -nother story. Just found you via Finslippy, so hello! I'll be reading. - Sue at nobaddays (
My speech will sound thus: Pardon, but you look like a green-eyed smartypants tiger I've been looking for.
Then, you will love me. Yes. It will kill.
i am already slayed. d.o.a.
I love Liz Phair and a nice syrah too! I just heard you comment in the "It's Your Passion, Not Size, That Matters" and really like your ideas about not having folks tromp through our "breakables" on our web sites.
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