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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thanks for visiting. I am no longer updating Notes to Self. I hope you'll join me on my current website,

By the way...

(This is not a post. This is a p.s.a. An actual post follows right below it, which I sweated out over two days, and then promptly slapped this press clipping right over it.)

Yours truly, along with Kristen Chase of Motherhood Uncensored, was the subject of a very kind and well-written feature on "Mommy Blogs" in yesterday's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Kristen's recent move to the area prompted the story, as she is the prolific author/bosslady of several highly trafficked blogs, that run the gamut from her personal weblog, to shopping and sex advice blogs. Our mutual pal Isabel introduced us virtually, and I'm hoping to take her out and show her a good time in person very soon. Kristen's and my blogs could probably not be farther apart stylistically and thematically, which I love, not just because it made for a better story, but because it says a lot about camaderie and diversity among female bloggers. We come in many delicious flavors.

Here is a short excerpt of the whole, which was written by features writer Kyle Brazzle:
To draw maximum pleasure from Notes to Self, readers must be hip to Pittman’s casual references to Depeche Mode, Barbie as a latter-day Venus of Willendorf (“stylized, exaggerated and unable to stand,” she writes), the tragic Edies of Grey Gardens and marriage pronounced as “ mawwiage,” in the style of a Princess Bride speech impediment. Pittman’s sensibility casts her as a more somber version of the pop-culture-steeped cool-mom character from the defunct WB/CW television series Gilmore Girls.

This pleased me greatly, because it makes me sound much hipper than I feel. Patrick suggests that when I enter a public area from now on, I should pause at the threshold with feet and arms akimbo, fingers held up in Vs, and announce my presence with, "SUPERSTAH!"

I thought that might get rather tedious for the supermarket staff after my third daily trip there.

Regrettably, and archaically, you would have to pay 1.95 USD to read the entire feature online. Which I would not expect you to do unless you were a blood relative.

None the less, I'll go ahead and post the link to the archived story for the truly devoted

and the link to the photo gallery, where there is an especially lovely snap of my youngest son being read to.

or you can just email me at kyranp(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will describe the whole thing thoroughly to you.



Blogger Prisca said...

Good for you! I'm setting my sites on that article. There must be some way to find it sans the delightful surcharge. Grrrrr.

7:44 PM  
Blogger MommyTime said...

Congratulations. By the way, do you know Judith Shakespeare's blog ? She's very smart, and the Virginia Woolf in both of you might find each other appealing. Just a thought...

8:51 PM  
Blogger Motherhood Uncensored said...

I haven't met you (yet), but your pictures matched with the lovely description of you and your blog make you sound fantastic.

Are you available?

10:07 PM  
Blogger Kyran said...


not only available, but easy ;-)

6:57 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Pyron said...

Loved reading the article in the paper. I agree with your husband that you should exploit your new-found superstar status. So happy to have found your blog. I've only read a handful of entries, but I've already laughed and cried. Looking forward to reading more.

1:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So how could I have known you for a couple of years but not really KNOWN you?! I was so thrilled to see your blog in the paper and visited your site that day. I totally agree with j pyron that your posts have made me laugh-out-loud (so others ask me what I'm reading when I'm supposed to be doing my teacher 'thing') and I've gotten veclempt as well. I sure do wish I had the gift of prose as you do. How about I teach you some Physics some time? M. Dowell (Caleb's Mom)

1:10 PM  
Blogger Kyran said...

Hi Jennifer! Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi (lurkers, take note). Come back any time.

Mommytime, thanks for the link. I checked it out, and will check it out again.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$1.95 is a steal to read about Mommy Blogs and Notes to Self. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and always come away inspired. Thanks!

4:28 PM  
Blogger cce said...

This is great and inspiring news for bloggers everywhere. Just when I thought no one really gave a crap about blogs anymore, there's a heart warming story about good press and bloggy friendships. I like the good news. Thanks and congrats. You definitely should sport the raised V crossing every threshold in town.

6:45 PM  

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