That Far Shore

I've been releasing objects, purging our home.
"Why keep things that we don't use, or that aren't beautiful?" I declared this morning to Patrick. "If it doesn't make us happy when we look at it, it has to go. Period."
What then, am I to do with this bit of silver that just crossed my palm; tarnished and forgotten, an artifact from another life? Two portraits hinged together, each so small, it is like looking backward through a telescope, backward through the years, across an ocean so much wider than the one these two sweethearts pose beside.
Labels: the way we were
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I am guilty for holding on to talismen and mementos from differnt eras of my life. Not always joyful or treasures, but truly testaments to who I have become.
You keep it, of course. Little silver telescopes are priceless things that cannot be discarded...
I am a lurker...but hi!
I say you keep it. Tucked away, in a place that it isn't always sitting out and looking at you, but where you know to find it if you want to.
My new years resolution (one I thought I had half a chance of keeping) was to follow William Morris' mantra 'have nothing in your house that you not know to be useful of believe to be beautiful'. I understand your urge to purge, but if that locket is beautiful to you, or creates beauty in the memories it stirs I say keep it.
Beauty comes in various forms -- beautiful memories, beautiful sadness, etc. I think this is a keeper. It inspired this lovely, poignant little post, after all, didn't it?
Keep it. In a fit of reorganization, I purged notes and letters I had kept from almost 30 years ago. I regret it now.
What nostalgia. My heart compressed a little (in a good way) because of your words. I will not tell you what you should do with it Kyran. You have done it already. I know you have.
I love your writing. That's all.
You are a poet.
I enjoyed this
and my visit here.
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