Chin Up, Chaps.

Reproductions of this British poster from World War II (which actually never saw distribution) have become a bit of a hipster cliche, but I've reappropriated it for our front entrance way where, on school mornings, its prescription is untainted by irony.
Labels: hearth and home, mine all mine
I saw one of these in a magazine and thought it was so cool. Where do you buy one?
I just wanted to tell you I am a new reader to your blog after reading your article in Good Housekeeping which mirrored our own experience when my husband started his own business. You are a great writer.
Thanks, Holly!
I got mine on where they come in every color imaginable.
Ha! I got one of those, too! It hangs in my bedroom above where I sit to stew and or/write.
I wanted to thank you for your honesty about financial struggles - it has helped my husband and I immensely. Thanks for the resources, the authenticity - all of it. Here's a virtual hug just for you, from me and my future.
Kyran- I linked to your post today. It was exactly what I needed. Thanks and I hope you don't mind.
A mantra to live by, for sure.
Awesome. I need one of these for every room in my house.
I love it. I could use them in several rooms in my house as well.
I want one of these, but can't decide where it should go.
In my entryway? Which will possibly remind me not to yell at the kids to get their bleeping shoes on already in the morning?
In my office? So when the deadlines come or the chickdrama ensues, I have that reminder?
The kitchen? So when I'm trying to cook dinner, do homework, a 'cant miss' call comes in, the dog needs out, and I'm about to lose my mind, I will perhaps relax a smidge?
In my bedroom? Maybe it will help me relax at night instead of lying wide awake with a brain going 100 miles an hour.
I can't decide. But I do need this. I've decided that much.
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