Hardship Post

You know what's hard? Eating a four-course, two-hour meal every night, and having to come back to your hotel and blog about it and all the adventures you've had all day, that's what.
You can reap les fruites of all my travail over here.
This comment has nothing at all to do with this post. I am wondering if you have an electronic version of the article you recently had published in Good Housekeeping. I was saving that issue and my husband recycled it! I really, really want to read it again!
Where does one apply to become The Unluckiest Person on the Face of the Earth?
Holly, try http://lifestyle.msn.com/relationships/articlegh.aspx?cp-documentid=17405332
I had to hunt too - so I bookmarked it.
Thanks Mariellen! I'm still on the road, and can't always respond promptly!
I have tried so many times to leave comments and have always ended up in frustation and no comment.
Loved, loved, loved the pictures, words and feelings that you conveyed.
Can't wait for you to stop long enough in LR to visit. I already have the wine!
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