True North

If you grow up with northern winters, and then you move down south, and you stay away a long, long time, you forget some things about snow. You forget that it has texture. You forget that it has a sound. You forget that it isn't just a cartoon blanket of white. Then one day, in February, you go north. You step off a plane, and onto the ground, and your feet remember the exact density and crunch of snow in deep winter. The kind that isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.
Read about our first day in Mont-Tremblant here.
Labels: the way we were
I am so happy you got to get your fam to Canada and am ridiculously jealous as I want to go snowboarding. i forget what it feels to carve up a hill. Have a wonderful trip.
Um, also not sure if it's just me but I couldn't comment on the other site. But who cares? You are at Mont Tremblant!!!
i went through the opposite once, moving from texas to upstate ny (near kingston, ontario). when i eventually returned to texas, it was in the summer in 108 degree heat shortly following a winter of lake effect snow and 30 below. the sound of heat rising from asphalt was deafening and strangely familiar.
Ah, you lucky, lucky girl. You are in one of my favorite pockets of the world. If you have a moment, pop into the art gallery that is about halfway down the hill in the town and inquire about the artist that paints trees and includes leaves in his work. It is spellbinding.
I have coveted one of his canvases since I first saw them, but now that I am also an ex-pat, I truly ache for one of these pieces that to me speaks so eloquently of autumns back home.
Have a wonderful time. Amusez-vous bien!
ahh snow!! here in NB we got almost 2 feet over the last 2 days!!
I'm an ex-pat too, an American living in Britain, with a nomadic, childhood that flitted back and forth between the two. I hadn't gone back to visit as an adult for nearly 20 years for a variety of reasons. Despite being less rooted in one place, returning jsut to the country made a huge impact on me in so many ways.
I am so glad that you are able to enjoy the experience as a family, and the new doors of experience that will open to your children.
One family move involved us traveling from the UK to USA by sea. And yes, offered world class cuisine at the captain's table of the largest ocean going liner in the world, my youngest brother wanted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I rememeber my mother shaking her head in amazement ...
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