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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thanks for visiting. I am no longer updating Notes to Self. I hope you'll join me on my current website,

Be a Part of It

I was in New York City last week for a breathless round of wine and pasta meetings. It was my fourth visit there, and I felt like I'd arrived at a new level of familiarity with the city. I walked the streets at breakneck pace, ploughing my way through crowds, hailing taxis left and right, just to show I that I could. In my black trench coat, you'd have taken me for a native New Yorker, right up until I'd come to a crosswalk with a blinking hand, and stop short, like a good Canadian, to the great irritation of the surge of jaywalkers behind me. Sorry about that, New York. I'm just not going to follow you blindly into traffic. How do I know what kind of day you're having?

My schedule left hardly any time at all for sightseeing (or as New Yorkers call it, standing in the goddam way). Or shopping, which was just as well, since I'd converted all my spending money to carbohydrates my first night there. It wasn't until my last day that I realized I'd be without any photographic evidence whatsoever of my trip, and got busy snapping. I give you the highlights:

Central Park

Museum of Modern Art

The Empire State Building

F.A.O. Schwarz

Thanks to my friends at Cool Mom Tech, there is corroborating documentation that it wasn't all a dream. It's also thanks to them and their sponsors that the kids weren't the only ones who got cool souvenirs from my trip. Patrick, Ultra-Dad in my absence, got some very nifty tech gadgets.

Me, I suppose I'll always have these three extra pounds to remind me of a very exciting, whirlwind time.



Blogger lenniekat said...

If it's any consolation, the cool front has 'made' me eat like a fiend and gain at least 3 pounds. -I don't even have the excuse of a cool place and exquisite food.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Mom101 said...

I'd say you fit right in.

Mostly because you understand that the LEGO Empire State Building is an ample substitution for the real one.

So so great seeing you. I'm going to keep telling you that.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Gerbera Daisy Diaries said...

only to be welcomed home by a tent full of water.

10:14 PM  
Blogger SUEB0B said...

Love the MOMA shot.

10:47 PM  

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